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How to connect HP Deskjet Plus 4152 to wifi?

The HP Deskjet Plus 4152 is a wireless printer. To be able to connect the HP Deskjet Plus 4152 printer to the wifi, the instructions have been added below. There are many ways in which the printer can be connected to a wireless connection. Continue below to check the details or contact us for further assistance with the HP Deskjet Plus 4152 printer.

Connect the HP Deskjet Plus 4152 printer to the wifi during installation

The final step of the HP Deskjet Plus 4152 driver installation process is to connect the printer to a wireless connection. Follow the steps to complete the installation process.

  • In the final step of the installation, the HP Deskjet Plus 4152 driver installation wizard will prompt a connection.
  • It is important to have access to a wireless connection and the credentials should be noted down.
  • Following this, choose the wireless connection from the options given below.
  • On choosing the wireless connection option, the installation wizard will display all the available connections.
  • Choose the desired wireless connection and enter the credentials of the wireless connection.
  • Once all the details have been added, complete the process by giving formation.
  • With this, the HP Deskjet Plus 4152 printer will be connected to the wireless connection.
  • Click Finish at the end of the process and the HP Deskjet Plus 4152 printer will be connected to the wifi.

Alternative methods to connect the HP Deskjet Plus 4152 printer using the WPS push button

  • When it comes to the WPS push button use the following instructions to complete the process.
  • Before proceeding further, ensure there is an active wireless connection for the printer to connect to.
  • Following this, locate the WPS push button on the printer and the wifi router.
  • Move over to the printer and press and hold the wifi button.
  • Move over to the wifi router and locate the WPS push button. It will be found at the rear end of the router.
  • Note that the WPS push button should be pressed together at the same time.
  • Give it a few minutes and the connection with the HP Deskjet Plus 4152 printer and the wifi connection will be complete.

These are the steps that should be followed to make sure the HP Deskjet Plus 4152 printer is connected to the wifi connection. Alternatively, you have the option to connect the HP Deskjet Plus 4152 printer to the wireless connection by contacting us to assist in the process of connecting to the wifi.