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How to connect my HP Deskjet 3772 to my HP laptop?

There is more than one method that can be used to connect the HP Deskjet 3772 printer to an HP laptop. The instructions provided below will assist you in the process of connecting the HP printer and the HP laptop. The HP Deskjet 3772 printer and the laptop must be connected to be able to fully utilize the features of the printer.

Download the HP Deskjet 3772 printer driver

To connect the HP Deskjet 3772 printer to the HP laptop, the printer driver can be downloaded and installed on the device. For this, the below steps have been added to complete the installation of the HP Deskjet 3772 printer driver. Ensure that all the steps below are followed to complete the installation of the printer driver.

    1. Power up the HP Deskjet 3772 and the HP laptop.
    2. Ensure that there is an active wireless connection.
    3. On the HP laptop, open the HP Support website.
    4. Enter the details of the HP Deskjet 3772 printer.
    5. Choose the OS (Windows OS) and choose the HP Printer driver.
    6. A list of drivers appears on the screen for download.
    7. Download the HP Deskjet 3772 driver and proceed.
    8. Complete the installation of the HP Deskjet 3772 driver.
    9. Follow all the on-screen instructions and proceed further.

Download the HP Smart app

Alternatively, the HP laptop can be connected to the HP Deskjet 3772 using the HP Smart app. The HP Smart app is an application that can be downloaded and installed on multiple devices and smart devices. It acts as a single point for printers to connect devices. Files can be printed, files copied, and scanned, along with the option of being able to share the files directly from the app. follow the instructions below to complete the installation of the HP Smart app.

  1. Power up the HP Deskjet 3772 printer and the HP laptop.
  2. On the HP laptop, open the device app store.
  3. Enter the details of the app, HP Smart app.
  4. Download and install it on the HP Laptop.
  5. Setup the HP Smart app by signing into your account.
  6. Following this, locate the + icon on the display.
  7. Click and add the HP Deskjet 3772 printer to the app.
  8. With this, all the printer activities can take place through the app.

With this, the HP Deskjet 3772 printer will be connected to the HP laptop using these two options. If there are issues along the way, contact us for further assistance in setting up the HP Deskjet 3772 printer.