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HP Envy 6055 printer offline

The HP Envy 6055 printer is an efficient printer and has accompanied to the range of the best HP printers. But, even the best printers face issues from time to time. And, one such common issue the HP Envy 6055 printer faces is the printer offline error. There is no need to panic when this issue arises. With the right instructions, you will be able to resolve the HP Envy 6055 printer issues. Contact us for more information.

Reasons why HP Envy 6055 offline error displays?

Bad connectivity
Network error can be one of the main reasons why the HP Envy 6055 printer will fail to function.
A check of the wireless connection should be conducted to ensure the stability of connectivity.

Incorrect printer settings
The HP Envy 6055 printer should be set to function properly without any issues.
Check if the HP Envy 6055 printer is set to function online. Apply these changes.

Inappropriate power supply
The HP Envy 6055 printer should have direct access to the power supply without extensions.
The printer’s power cord should be connected directly and there should be no loose connectivity.

Outdated printer drivers
The HP Envy 6055 printer drivers should be updated when there is one available.
The driver can be updated by downloading the latest update from the HP Support website.

How to Get HP Envy 6055 Printer from Offline on Windows

Fix 1: Disable Use printer offline

  1. The HP Envy 6055 printer should be set to function online.
  2. If there is a change in this setting, the printer will indicate offline.
  3. For this, move over to the Windows device and open the Settings app.
  4. From the Settings app, locate the Printer and Device option from the list.
  5. Identify the HP Envy 6055 printer and right-click to access more options.
  6. Click Use Printer Online and continue to use the HP Envy 6055 printer online.

Fix 2: Reinstall HP Envy 6055 printer
How to uninstall the printer?

  1. Move over to the device connected to the printer and open the Service app.
  2. Scroll further down and locate the HP Envy 6055 printer driver.
  3. On locating the HP Envy 6055 driver, right-click and select uninstall.
  4. This will uninstall the driver. Proceed to remove the printer from the device.
  5. Move over to the settings app and choose Printers and Device.
  6. Select the HP Envy 6055 printer and remove it from the device.

How to Add printer?

  1. To add a printer to the device, the printer driver has to be downloaded.
  2. Once the driver is installed on the device, follow the steps further to add the printer to the device.
  3. Note that the HP Envy 6055 printer should have access to a wireless connection.
  4. Following this, open the Settings app and choose Printer and Device.
  5. Click the option that indicates “Add Printer.” Choose the HP Envy 6055 from the list.
  6. This will allow the printer to be connected to the device.

Fix 3: Cancel old documents

  1. There could be existing documents that have been sent to the printer.
  2. But, there could be an issue with it. Delete the current printing jobs.
  3. On a Windows device, locate the printer icon on the device.
  4. This will open a pop up with a list of all the current printing files.
  5. Select all the pending printer files and right-click to access the menu.
  6. Choose to delete all the pending files that could be causing an offline issue.

Fix 4: Set “HP Envy 6055 printers” as the default.

  1. When the printer is not set as the default printer, the offline issue can surface.
  2. Power up the printer and the device and open the Settings app from the list.
  3. Choose Printers and Devices and select the HP Envy 6055 printer from the list.
  4. Following this, proceed further to right-click on the printer name and choose the option.
  5. Select the option Set as Default. This will bring the printer back online.
  6. Following this, go ahead and restart the printer and bring it back online.

How to fix the hp printer keeps going offline on Mac?

Fix 1: Remove extra printers

  1. There could be an offline issue with the HP Envy 6055 printer when there are more printers added.
  2. When there is more than one printer connected to a device, it could cause the printer to go offline.
  3. To resolve these offline issues, the primary printer should be removed from the list.
  4. Move over to the device the printer is connected to and open the Settings app.
  5. Choose the printer that is not the primary printer and right-click it.
  6. Click remove printer and repeat the process for the printers not in use.

Fix 2: Reset the printing system

  1. Begin the process by powering up the HP Envy 6055 printer and allowing it to remain idle.
  2. While the printer is powered up remove the power cord. It should first be removed from the printer.
  3. The power cord should then be removed from the power supply.
  4. Following this, allow the printer to remain idle for a few minutes.
  5. Connect the print back to the power cord, first to the printer and then to the power supply.
  6. Turn the printer back on and complete a check to ensure the printer is back online.

Fix 3: Delete printing commands

  1. Move over to the device the printer is connected to and open the printer.
  2. Open the printer command folder to check all the current print jobs on the list.
  3. Following this, to remove the current print jobs should be deleted from the list.
  4. Select all the pending print jobs from the list and right-click.
  5. From the pop-up menu, choose the delete option to remove the files.
  6. With this, all the pending files will be removed from the list.

Fix 4: Set “hp envy 6055 printers” as default.

  1. Power up the HP Envy 6055 printer and the device the printer is connected to.
  2. Following this, move over to the device and click the Apple icon.
  3. Following this, choose System Preference followed by printer and devices.
  4. Locate the HP Envy 6055 printer and right-click to access the pop-up menu.
  5. Choose Set as Default and process to give the confirmation.
  6. Complete the process by applying the changes and the printer will be brought online.

Fix 5: Update printer driver

  1. If the HP Envy 6055 printer driver is not updated, then there could be an offline issue.
  2. For this, while the HP Envy 6055 printer is powered up, open a web browser.
  3. Enter the details of the HP Support website and enter the printer details.
  4. The details that should be entered is the printer model name and the OS.
  5. Based on the details entered, the drivers will appear on the list.
  6. Choose the updated HP Envy 6055 driver and complete the installation process.