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Fix Windows Cannot Connect to the HP Printer Issue

Windows unable to connect to HP Printer is quite common and can be majorly occurred due to improper or after windows driver update. Try to ensure the recent windows system activities to confirm the windows related errors, or simply proceed below to identify & solve the HP Printer issues using the Windows system device.

Improper USB Connection:

  1. First, you need to ensure whether the printer is connected properly to its available ports or not.
  2. Then, remove the USB Cables from the printer device and proceed next.
  3. Make use of the Control panel settings to choose the system’s option-Devices & Printers.
  4. Select the desired HP Printer from the list to delete it or uninstall it.
  5. Further, restart the entire system once.
  6. Finally, connect the active Printer to the computer using new USB cables.

Unable to connect with Wi-Fi: (If you are trying with Wireless method)

  1. Make sure the printer and router are in an active state before proceeding with software-related needs.
  2. Confirm with the wireless router and printer whether both are under the same network.
  3. Turn ON the printer and proceed next.
  4. To the end, utilize the given on-screen instructions to install the printer software.

Uninstall the in-OS print driver:

  1. First, you have to right-click the Start button or the lower left corner of the screen, and tap the SearchDevices and Printers.
  2. Confirm with the section-Devices and Printers.
  3. Then, just Right-click the icon for your printer and give Remove Device. Now, the system will uninstall the printer software.

Download and install the printer software

Driver download or driver update will make the best troubleshooting process for all printer-related issues. use the below steps to overcome windows unable to connect with HP Printer.

Download and install the full feature printer software.

  1. Switch ON the printer.
  2. Try to disconnect the connected USB cable from the printer, if necessary. If the installer prompts to connect the USB cables- do it.
  3. Make use of HP Customer support to download the software and driver downloads.
  4. If a Let’s identify your product to get started page displays, tap to the Printer, or mention your printer model number> Submit.
  5. You can also change the operating system using Change, select your version, and then choose Change.
  6. Support through the Driver heading, tap the Download for the full software package, or hit the Basic Drivers for other driver options.

If still, you face the same issue- Call Our Technical Team for instant support & Assistance.