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How to Install HP Envy 6055 driver on Windows device?

Follow the set of instructions below to download and install the HP Envy 6055 driver. A driver is nothing but a medium between the printer and Windows system. It helps the printer to understand the print commands from the PC. Get along with the HP Envy 6055 driver download and installation steps:

HP Envy 6055 Driver Download Instructions:

  • Turn on your Windows PC and check if you have the latest OS installed in it.
  • Else, uninstall the Windows OS and upgrade to the latest OS.
  • Now, go to the firewall settings to enable the third-party applications.
  • Next, go to the web browser of your PC and search for a genuine HP website.
  • Enter the printer model on the search bar and hit enter to search.
  • Tap on your HP Envy 6055 printer model and choose the continue button.
  • The HP website will display a list of available drivers for you.
  • Pick a compatible driver and tap on the download icon present next to it.
  • Wait for the HP Envy 6055 driver to download on the Windows system.
  • Now, go to the downloads section of Windows.
  • Search for the downloaded driver file and double-click on the file.

HP Envy 6055 Driver Installation Steps:

  • Open the driver installation wizard and follow the installation guidelines.
  • Next, pick a network type of your need. You can choose either a USB cable connection or Wi-Fi.
  • Wait for the HP Envy 6055 driver to install on the Windows system.
  • Now, assign a print task and check if the printer driver software is reliable.
  • Also, go to the Windows settings and enable the automatic driver upgrade menu.
  • Now, the Windows OS will search for the upgraded driver and install them at ease.
  • Regular driver updates are vital for a prompt print function.